Sunday, April 29, 2012

Agriculture of Fatehpur District

The People of Fatehpur District depends on agriculture, so this is the main source of income of the people in agriculture.

The Total space of the district in 1970-71 was 4, 27,573 hectares, of that nearly 1.7 per cent was lined with forests and concerning half dozen per cent  was usar and uncultivable.

About one-tenth of the full space was used for functions different than agriculture and nearly 5.2 per cent of the space was accounted as unfit for cultivation.

The composition of the soil is closely connected with the state of drain-age and a line drawn from north to south across the DOAB can Cleary illustrate the modification ensuing from the variations within the levels of the land.

The strategies of cultivation prevailing within the district don't differ materially from those found within the different districts of the state. Within the last the principle staple is rice. Within the wet tract the principle Rabi crops are mixtures of gram and peas with wheat and barley.

The principle Kharif corp within the district is that the huge millet or jowar, which alone or together with arhar occupies the key portion of space sown in kharif.

A Rabi harvest within the district is that gram leads all different cereals within the season. Of the pulses, arhar occupies asizeable are within the district.

Cotton that was a valuable money corp within the district until the first years of this century.


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